it me

- --Hi!

it me

looking for ...

it me

it me
it me


it me




it me
it me

Interaction and Visual / UX Designer, Linguist, Photographer

Hi there! I'm Cindy.
Fascinated with human minds and with the passion to refine, I love to create better experience for users people!

View my resume / CV here

Cindy spent 75% of her academic years in computer engineering to only realize that she was more of a designer instead of developer. It's funny how sometimes life brings you back to your childhood passion. As pragmatic and analytical as she is, being a creative multilingual that have deep interest in various aspects of the world makes her exemplary at bringing in fresh looks in design.
Currently Cindy has a very healthy obsession with the Yakuza series game.

Let's chat!

it me

Stream Graphics

Cover Designs / Book Layout

All other stuff I did!


Promotional Graphics

Logo Designs

Natural Dividends site design

Case study: First Aid, Emergency Guide

Case study: Bakery App and Web design

Case study: Flower services web design

Case study: Bakery App and Web design

Case study: Flower services web design

for Graphics, Assets, Live2D and animation please use the form below with general description and type of commission. I'll reply back with form for you to fill detailed info, preferences, and materials based on the request. Please note that for any OMAKASE plan only theme and color will be taken into account.Payment can be made through (preferred) paypal or etsy.

Currently booking: MAY - OCT

GENERAL FORM1. Your name: (for payment)2. or Your cosplay name: (for photo credits)3. Your preferred contact: (where you want me to send you the photos etc etc the default is through discord channel)4. Your phone number: (or other contact info to reach for the day of the shoot)5. What series is your cosplay from:6. Which character:7. How many people | solo or group?8. Session type: (group of more than two require full session)8A. Large group (4+) has personalized time slot and may get partial discount on case by case basis depending on # of people, do enquire.9. List up your preferred day and time of shoot(s): (slots are only confirmed after initial deposit is made)10. Anything you want to tell me about? ( references, story, poses, specific shots you want me to take)11. Link to references: (if any)12. (optional, for reference) Any style you like from my gallery? (HERE)

from 200
$150/extra person
KANTO (only on travel dates)STUDIO: $500 per day (bring , multiple cosplays!)LOCATION SHOOT:
FROM 400 + transportation expenses + sfx cost (for example, bg explosion is usually 50+)
from $100/person
Base rate does not include the following:
transportation expenses
permit fee (if apply)
entrance fee
photographer entrance fee
redeeming stamp
other location: + transportation expenses + extra person
Prices are all subject to tax and processing fee


not available for new clients
150/person, per set +
travel expenses + room/board
for when you need someone (cylverxz) to fill the group
not available for new clients
150/set (rates goes down based on shin's personal interest LOL)
cosplay + travel expenses + room/board
(SF ONLY, discount applied to max 3 people)
PHOTOBOOK: $100, $10 for every extra copy (good for groups!)
individual, private use only
(min order: $20 or pay for shipping)
from $2 / print
DEFAULT is 4x6 Deep Matte on Fuji Crystal Archive Paper
Do ask for other sizing/materials!
GRADING: 10/photo
Do inquire.
Copyright is not transferred.

上半身のみ  or チビ・デフォルメ
from $180
口の開閉  (ベーシック)
髪のゆれ  (ベーシック)

上半身¥50000+ 全身¥70000
From $420
身体の Z

上半身¥88000+ 全身¥120000+
From $800
身体の XYZ


基本  ベース  ¥10000+
BASE $100
目パチ $20
白目黒目ハイライトの上下左右移動 $25
眉上下 $20
眉変形 $25
口パク $20
口変形(母音) (9) $50
口変形(母音) (25) $100
顔 Z $25
顔 Y $30
顔 X $50
身体 Z $45
身体 Y $30
身体 X $25
顔や頭に追加されるアイテムやアクセサリー (眼鏡、帽子、お面ETC) $50
呼吸 $25

衣装差分 $100
髪型差分 $50
獣耳・しっぽなど  $35
アクセサリー ON/OFF $15
髪型 ON/OFF $25
衣装 ON/OFF $25
表情 ON/OFF $25
T2のON/OFF設定  ¥1500
T3のON/OFF設定  ¥1000

髪(3) $25
髪(6) $50
アクセサリー, 服 (リボン、スカート ETC.) $20
獣耳・しっぽ $50
髪(6)以上や滑らかなゆれ  $50から
全身 $150
お急ぎ  $75~
リテイク  $40

With the info gathered from my research, I have compiled my findings on potential users aspirations and pain points into two user personas, John and Susan.

A lot of participants in my study noted how they like how simple and concise the first aid guide is. However it must be noted that some instructions can be quite long and thus prone to be looking intimidating to some users, along with the avoidance of 'reading a block of text' given an emergency situation where timing is crucial. For this, I have separated the steps for different body parts so that a correct first aid steps can be reached without having to go through reading unneeded steps. Along with this change, I have also added speaker option to further aid users.

Based on the usability test results, I find that most of participant recognize how LEARN in main menu will take them to an introduction page while starting from EMERGENCY from the main menu will skip the introduction and take them straight to first aid steps. Most participant intuitively use the search function first given an emergency situation. However, it must be noted that some users would gravitate towards FIRST AID first instead of SEARCH.
To combat this, I have changed FIRST AID to LEARN and search to FIRST AID

"This is an app I would like on my phone! it's nice to learn and it would be very helpful to touch up on first aid or confirming steps that I might've forgotten. The least I want is to make the situation worse and with this guides I bet it would ease my panic in emergency [situations]"

This case study of a first aid mobile guide was very well received with the participants. People are very interested in knowing a lot of first aid techniques and are very willing to learn given an easy access to do so. This result shows the comraderie in humankind ; wanting to help one another, and it is such a shame that first aid lessons were not incorporated in a lot of curriculums.

As for the next steps, I would like to add a few initial ideas that did not make the cuts in this round. Setting aside from the obvious of expanding lessons, I would augment the quiz function as something users can do to quickly touch up on important basic skills. Furthermore I would also love to add a section where users can store their certificates, get reminded and provide an easier way to renew.

During this case study, I learnt just how much people want to help one another and how willing people are to learn, to do something good such as providing first aid assistance, given an easy way to do so. It further reminded me of the importance of not only making information as accessible as it possibly can and attention to details as the smallest thing can have a big impact.

A French Bakery: Rouleaux

Project overview

The product:
Mobile app and homepage for Rouleaux, a regional bakery generally located in the metropolitan areas.
My role: ___ this is a solo project!Project duration: 4 weeks (about 14 hours over 4 weeks on production, not including research time)

TL;DR: Play around with the mobile app prototype here / or the homepage prototype here !
Do keep in mind that these are pre-filled and I only provide one screen of bread details so don’t be alarmed they all redirect to zunda anpan!

Problem and challenges

Busy individuals often lack the time to spend ordering or waiting when buying baked goods in store, or to even go to a bakery in the first place. Existing available bakery apps provide no function besides being a glorified point card substitute.

The goal

Design a mobile app for Rouleaux that allows users to easily order and pick up fresh baked goods, accompanied with a homepage for large scale ordering.

Market research

User research

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs and use the finding to craft a few user personas. A primary user group identified through research were working adults who don’t have time to buy baked goods in stores.
This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Rouleaux customers, but research also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting users from baking at home. Other user problems included obligations, interests, or challenges that make it difficult to get ingredients and time to make baked goods at home, or go to a bakery in-person.
With that, I gathered four main pain points.
On ability; as working adults are too busy to spend time making their own baked goods at home.
On time; as working adults are often too busy to even visit or order baked goods in store.
On functions; as existing mobile applications for bakeries offer minimal function and often do not have an option to order in advance.
Lastly, on contents; as existing apps for bakeries do not have exhaustive menu listings and other important information that might be useful for the customers.


Paper wireframes

Keeping user pain points in mind, I drafted a few paper wireframes.
For the menu I prioritized easy access of the exhaustive item listing and information to help users save time browsing, selecting, and ordering baked goods.


For the app I prioritized personal orders while for the homepage, menu has been simplified and it's focused on handling large order such as catering.

Lo-fi wireframes

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base the screen designs on feedback and findings from the user research
Here is one screen as an example.


The primary user flow I connected was browsing and ordering baked goods, so the prototype could be used for the next step, usability studies.

Usability study

Before moving on to mockups, I drafted a style guide and here, I’d like to introduce two of my favourite assets from this project.For the logo, I made a rolling pin made from baguette. Very suitable for a French bakery called Rouleaux.

As for the buttons, I made a bread shaped button which rises to look “baked” when pressed!

And below is the rest of the style guide.


Referencing the key findings from the first usability study, I started implementing that to the mockups.

And for the accompanying home page:


I also made sure to adhere to accessibility standard, paying more attention to the following accessibility considerations.

And with the finding from the second usability test, I further refined the mockups. Adding confirmation and categorized the macaron selection page.

By this point I concluded the project done and started one more quick usability study to make sure that everything ran smoothly.
view the interactive WEB prototype here
view the interactive APP prototype here


What I learnt:
While designing the Rouleaux app, I am reminded once more that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. I was also pleasantly surprised to find myself liking the study portion of this project. Hearing thoughts from potential customers was very eye opening and I look forward to hearing their feedbacks to learn what I, as the designer, might have missed. Usability studies heavily influence the design process and makes the product shine and usable upon every iteration.

Next steps

Provided the opportunity and means to do so, I would like to;
1. Conduct another round of usability study to confirm whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed
2. Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need and further improve the overall design.

You’ve made it this far! Thank you for reading! Once again you could play around with the prototype here or hereAnd if you'd like to connect, be sure to check out my about page.

play around with the prototype here

For this project I have conducted interviews and surveys regarding flower purchases.
The following are some of the insights from my research combined.

About half of the respondents prefer to shop for flowers from independent florist, although only about 15% of them would actually shop there. The other half of the respondents prefer to shop from stores (gardening, wholesale and grocery combined) however in actuality purchases from such stores made up 85%, most of the flower purchases

In the ideal setting, I would've expected the result to match each other but in this case, it was the opposite. Why?

People are attracted to the convenience of being able to pick out flowers as they run errands or do grocery shopping. But if convenience is the key,
how come none of our respondents prefer to or purchase flowers online?

Paper wireframes; brainstorming notes



Working on this project reminds me that convenience, while being the key is not more important than other elements. Attention to detail must also be practiced as the lack thereof have huge impact on user's experience.

1. GRAMMARWhy?A lot of people start learning shiny new languages by learning ✨vocabulary✨and sure, while it’s nice to know how things are called in different languages, and I won’t discard it as a learning option if it’s just for fun BUT if you’re serious about wanting to be able to be decently fluent at another language this approach won’t get you anywhere because why? Because you’ll end up stuck with broken [insert whatever language here] for the longest time. So why grammar? With knowing the proper grammar and structure you will know how to properly construct a sentence! And now that you know the building blocks of that sentence, everytime you hear something new, you’ll know what part of speech that new word is, what kind of vocab that is etc etc in short things will naturally fill out for you!!! Knowing what type to look out for also makes it easier to 1)gather meanings from context and 2) remember new vocab.1. PRONUNCIATIONWhy?This one is simple; it doesn’t have to be perfect, some languages are just inherently complicated in that department! But if no one can understand what you’re saying then it’d be such a shame that all of your effort only shows on paper. Besides, pronunciation just seemed hard for most people because they’re not properly taught in school, even at all.1. ACTUALLY USE THE DAMN LANGUAGEWhy? If you don’t use it it doesn’t stick. I doesn’t get any simpler than thatHow? An easy (and a cheat, tbh) for this is to study abroad if you can. Be in survival mode, be in a situation where you would be exposed to that language so much that you have no other choice but to use it and get used to it! And the following applies whether or not you can study abroad, make friends to practice with! A lot of mistakes people make is just sticking on befriending people that speak the same language as them. You won’t improve like this. Don’t be afraid to branch out! Otherwise you’ll end up spending years in another country while still sounding like you’re fresh off the boat. I surely don’t want to live like that! Another mistakes people often make (although much MUCH better) is that they befriended other newcomers because they feel like they at least wouldn’t be embarrassed by their skill level. You won’t learn much more like this! Aim for more!! Again, don’t be afraid to branch out!!! Get yourself a friend who you can practice with AND who can help you learn!! This is especially easy to find if you’re still in school! In general people are nice and will be willing to help🥰 you might as well learn how to make errors like a native would do ww BRANCH OUT!!Getting a personal free tutor is the best and the easiest way to get started but if you’re like me when i was a wee baby then all you have to do is:Start thinking in your target language ASAPwatch or listen to more of target language. Immerse yourself in that and soon enough you’ll realize you don’t actually need that subtitle😉how is it for fun and learning at the same time?Take it from me i have never formally taken japanese for example and yet i managed to TA UD when i finally do LMAOand was also in ESL for like… a month bc i thought it was stupid LOLin short find a way that its easy and fun for you to incorporate new languages in your life 🥰- ただ勉強ができないだけ  多分E2なもんで天才ではないけど学習障害を持つ人ができればバカでなければ絶対できる!!
- *一応a linguist (UCSC Linguistics & Language studies degree (with extra serving of programming syntax LOL)
1. 文法から学ぶべき飽きるほど単語から勉強はじめる人はよく目にする。それはそれで別にいいけど、真剣に話せるようになりたい人にはお勧めしません。なぜかというとその方はカタコトになりがちなのです。ではなぜ文法からなのでしょうか。正しい文法と構造を知ることで、正しく文章を組み立てることができるようになり、文の構成要素を知ることで新しい単語などを聞くたびに、そのワードはどんな品詞やタイプなのかを自然に分かりようになりますまた、どのようなタイプの単語があるのかを知ることで、1)文脈から意味を推測したり、2)新しい単語を覚えるのもより簡単になります1. 発音完璧である必要はありません。余計にややこしい言語もいるからね(とくに英語)。自分の言っていることを理解しずらかったらせっかくの動力がほぼ水の泡になるので発音もきちんと勉強するべきです。学校ではちゃんと教えられていないから難しそうなだけなのよ1. 実際にその言語を使うこれは当然なこと。使わなければ頭にのこらないのです。一番簡単な方法は(というかチート)は、できることなら留学することです。サバイバルモードで、その言語を使うしかならないような状況に身を置いて、慣れることです。留学でよくあることですが、自分と同じ言語を話す人だけに仲良くなりがち。こんなんじゃ上達しない、実際によく見かけます。10年いても移住したてのスキルのまま。もう一つは留学できるかどうかにかかわらず低級言語レベルの友達しか作らない、「自分と同じレベルぐらいなら恥ずかしくないだろう」という考え方。これもあんまり勉強にならいないのよ。上を目指せ!一緒に練習できて、教えてくれる友達を見つけよう!まだ学校にいる場合は簡単にできるので恐れずに声をかけよう、一般的に、人々は親切で、喜んで助けてくれるでしょう🥰どうせならネイティブっぽくミスも出来るようになれww自分用のチューターを無料で得られるなら最高なのでは?練習相手を見つかりにくい場合は早急にターゲット言語での思考をすること!また、その言語でのエンタメなどをもっと観たり聴いたりして、とにかく言語に囲まれているべき!楽しみながら学べるっていいじゃないつまり、○○言語を生活の中に取り入れることが簡単で楽しい方法を見つけることですちゃんと練習すれば2ヶ月あれば簡単にできるものなので

This update is not yet live

GENERAL FORM1. Your name: (for payment)2. or Your cosplay name: (for photo credits)3. Your preferred contact: (where you want me to send you the photos etc etc [the default is by private discord channel])4. Your phone number: (or other contact info to reach for the day of the shoot)5. What series is your cosplay from:6. Which character:7. How many people | solo or group?8. Session type:9. List up your preferred day and time of shoot(s): (slot are only confirmed after initial deposit is made)10. Anything you want to tell me about? ( references, story, poses, specific shots you want me to take)11. Link to references: (if any)12. (optional, for reference) Any style you like from my gallery? (HERE)Fill out and send via the form below or join discord server HERE

it me

Sample puzzle!

a puzzle consisting of squares in a 7(col) by 3(row) blocks. the first and last column are colored red and blue respectively akin to [REDACTED]. there is an arrowed line with points on (1,1), (3,1), (7,2), (7,3), (5,3), and ending at (4,2).

solving this puzzle will tell you which of the images below to click! bruteforcing is always a valid puzzle solving strategy but may make shin sad :(

image of a wreath
image of a statue
image of black trash bag

shin's ultimate hobby is finding the optimal joy out of minimal suffering and have so much fun by herself minmaxing everything

yay! you got it! [STATUE] is the answer to the sample puzzle.
You are now ready to play!

currently working on some type of puzzle game combining 2 of her favourite activities she wishes exists for her to play. (oh the irony)
if you're interested in playtesting, drop an email from email boxes scattered around some pages in this site.